Friday, June 22, 2012

Too Much "Community"

When does "community" become too much "community"? Hmmmm.... I am just going to take a wild guess, but I think when I take my children to the community swimming pool because we have been prohibited from maintaining a personal pool deeper than 12" in our own backyard and my children and I swim into floating fecal matter, yes, I would be willing to bet that community has crossed over to too much! Needless to say, the reaction from myself was one of instantaneous horror and disgust as well as literally walking water with my children out of the pool and marching disgustedly to the van with them. Follow the dramatics of the situation up with thorough mouth scrubbing and body dousing and you have a well preserved moment that will linger in a mixture of horror and comedy in the mind for years to come.
I understand the need for order and routine in a community of over 23,000 homes, but I think it is not too much to ask that the managers of the community understand that two 24'x16' pools for said number of homes is simply not adequate. (I am shuddering now thinking of what may or may not have entered my mouth while swimming with my children). Is it really so much to ask that families that increment proper safety measure be allowed to have the small pleasure of their own pool in the backyard? LOL. Oh well. This is not something I dwell on on a daily basis but it is something that happened today and the atrocity of the situation (over dramatic?) is still fresh in my mind so it is what I am writing about. I thought it may provide a bit of a laugh for any of you who may read this. Next up.... Something worth a mite more brain power then this short blog required!

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