Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Ideas

Wow! Wow, wow, wow is all I have to say. I joined NaNoWriMo on a whim and now realize that with my Graduate semester finals on top of me I will NOT be able to finish. However, the idea I decided to pull from my "Later Shelf" and use for the NaNoWriMo is about 10,000 words in and I am obsessed! I have got to finish CID 2 so that I can devote a ton of focus on it. There are so many elements to this fledgling book. Druids, Death, Mayhem, Mysterious tattoos with the power to burn, visits from the other side and so, so much more! It will be YA but I am 31 and see a great many people loving it in the (hopefully) near future. Must get writing faster!! Oh if only finals would be over so I can be on my three week break and just write, write, write!