Monday, February 11, 2013

24 Hours

A mother's love is infinite. It extends past the reaches of time and creeps into the areas no one else knows about. However, a mother's love may be infinite but it also needs a momentary rest on occassion. Our love does not stop but from time to time, our batteries wear down and they just need to be recharged. I used to think I was a bad mother for wanting a break from my children. Now I realize that it is the good mother that can admit when they are just exhausted and worn out and frazzled. I never want a long period of time away from my children because more than a day and I miss them excruciatingly. (I used to be Active Duty Navy so I know a bit about being away from my children for more than a day). No, what I need is one full day. 24 hours. 24 hours to recharge and to clear and wash away the shorted out fuses in my brain. 24 hours to not hear the word Mommy because as much as I love hearing the word Mommy sometimes I just want to hear "BrookLynne" instead. LOL. My children are wonderful and they behave and they love me. In fact, the love me so much that if I am out of their sight for more than 2 minutes (i.e. bathroom, upstairs doing laundry, in the kitchen, etc. etc.) they tear through the house yelling for me because they "really missed me and were looking for me." LOL. I call them my Hollywood Lovers because they love like Hollywood shows love. There constantly, touching constantly, hugging and kissing constantly, and just generally never wanting to be apart. I am blessed beyond measure. Right now, I need 24 hours. =) I am tired and my brain needs to unplug from Mommy-hod and plug into alone-hood for just 24 hours. LOL. 24 hours doesn't make you a bad mom, it makes you appreciate even more what you have and what you can miss when you don't have it.