Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Writing, Hobbies, and Excessive Ramblings

Writing and writing and writing and feeling like you will never reach the finish line and then suddenly, one day, out of nowhere, the most amazing thing happens - you find yourself writing the end!!!! Ecstatic to say the least!! LOL. Of course, in my case, I still have about sixty or so more pages to write before I can tie my wonderful ending in but then....Oh glory THEN the real fun begins. The fun of finding an agent and/or a publisher who will except the monstrosities that come out of my mind and filter down onto paper. I love my little scrap pile of words but will anyone else? Time will tell and as I am not famously known for my patience level, I do fervently hope that the time between closing line and publishing date are not tremendously long. LOL.

Hobbies. Am I the only one who can not stick with a hobby of any sort? (I adamantly discount my writing because that is simply something I have always done). I have struggled to fir the "normal" and find a hobby but unfortunately my brain is quite unreceptive to the idea. Someone mentioned to me that my children are my hobbies? Really? I am not seeing that at all. Granted, the majority of my time is devoted to them. Driving, cooking, cleaning, feeding, washing, training, disciplining, directing, listening, and advising and the list goes on and on but honestly; I cannot describe my children as hobbies but more as a part of my life. They are what I love and they are what help me every day I wake up. No.  think I shall right now refrain from referring to my living, breathing, loving children as "hobbies." So what is your hobby? How have you managed to stick your mind to it and keep it there. I think I find a new hobby and my brain quickly and promptly calculates and executes a very swift right and turn away from the hobby. LOL. Indeed, I could show you my closets and boxes full of my "hobbies" that have never been fortunate enough to see the light of a second day. Say!! Perhaps that is my hobby: to collect hobbies. I do believe I have just stumbled and staggered upon a brilliant concept. The hobby of collecting hobbies. Scratch my earlier reasoning. I DO have a hobby.

This was a ramble post and if you were unfortunate enough to stumble across it and then, in turn, unfortunate enough to read through this whole dastardly piece, I both commend you ad apologize to you at the same time. Until next time!!