Saturday, June 23, 2012

OCD At Its Finest

Oh my! I am a clean person, I enjoy a clean house and clean dishes and clean laundry and all the etceteras that follow cleanliness. But my husband, he has a mild touch of the OCD. God Bless America for the OCD husbands in it! I am a full time night student and by day a stay at home mom of 4 small children. Lately, being in my senior year, my version of "clean" has transcended into a version of "clutter." It is a bit ridiculous. Things are still clean but they are now very clean PILES! EVERYWHERE! And my wonderful husband, who works 5 days a week, chose this weekend to clean my house in his style. Carpets are shampooed, clutter piles are gone, dusting is gone. Everything sparkles and shines and the best part of this OCD - he ENJOYS it. This sort of cleaning, deep cleaning, relaxes him immensely. This is a rare phenomenon among husbands, I am noticing. More often than not, I will hear women say that they are insulted by their husband's coming home and cleaning behind them when they have already cleaned. Take it as a GIFT! I used to be insulted by it until the dear husband explained to me the odd concept of "clean relaxation." If you have a man willing to make your life easier by cleaning and scrubbing - by all means, allow him this. =) Plus, when he does this, my week is much easier, as all I have to do is maintain. Maintaining is easy.

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