Monday, July 7, 2014

Let It Wander

Wandering minds: such vicious but ultimately satisfying creatures. Never stopping but long enough to say hello then scurrying on to the next great or lesser. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue were we each of us able to physically follow our minds where they might lead us? Alas! We are not all rich and must content ourselves with outlets for wandering minds. We sing with the passion of the Sistine Chapel. We paint with the colors of a sunset bleeding over the Swiss Alps. We debate and argue with the fury of an avalanche coming down Mt Everest. We love like a Spaniard and cry like a monsoon in South America. Every passion we pursue reflects our wandering minds. When someone critiques or lauds, insults or praises our passions, no matter how wild those passions may be, remember that in a way, their mind is simply mirroring your own, or envying yours.

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