Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Forever and a Day

Has it truly been so long since last I visited the poor wee thing known as "my blog"? For shame! And I should indeed feel ashamed. Time has flown, I don't know where, and my life has continued stepping onward - one coffee fueled, fantasy prodded, too many goals at a time hectic step at a time. The clock has continued ticking and here I sit.

        So here is the short, fast, not to be bogged down by mundane details, update. I graduated! Yes, indeed I did. I spent months studying 19th century British literature and all that it entails. In the entire time I attended grad school, there was only one class offered in my emphasis. Many suggested I switch to something I had taken more classes in such as: Shakespearean literature, Post-modernism, creative writing, or Rhetoric. Did I listen? Hmmm... My husband is a Marine, and as such, he has a saying about Marines. "We work harder, not smarter." It is self-deprecating and entirely in good humor but with my emphasis in grad school I found myself doing that very thing. I refused to comp out in anything simply because it would be "easier." I have had a long standing love affair with all things British and 19th century since I first read Oliver Twist and then Jane Eyre at the ages of 9 and 10.

      Off I went, disappeared into a world of academic studying, education fiction reading, history drenched, and imperialism soaked 19th century. And I passed! Yes I did and I could not have been happier to walk down that aisle and accept my diploma. Even if the man squeezed into the chair next to me reeked of seven day body odor, stale corn chips, and beer, and was sweating enough liquid to float the Medusa! Yes, even then, I did it, was thrilled, and am done.

       Next, I plan on pursuing my PhD. But until such time, I have re-entered, with great zest and determination, the world of all things fantasy, paranormal, and slightly horrifying. From my head to this page and, hopefully, to your hands one day, dear reader.

      I have used my temporary reprieve from schooling to once more enter the world of writing strictly for MY pleasure. And what a wonderful break it has been. I have finished two more novels. One of them may have a sequel, although I cannot be positive. What I am positive of, is this: certain characters have taken on a marvelous life of their own and have henceforth taken up residence in my conscious and subconscious thoughts. Awake or asleep, they clamor about, demanding to be heard, and driving me relentlessly to continue telling their stories. They have become exceptionally dear to me. I think I will keep them about for some time to come. :)

     And now, in closing, I am going to try something new. Because I had so much fun writing my most recent novel, and because my fun is only increased when others derive pleasure from it as well, I am going to post the beginning of chapter one in my very next blog. I don't like to wait and others should not have to, so, I shall do it immediately after this.

     I hope you enjoy it, and, if you are still around after my sudden and abrupt hiatus, I hope you will continue to check in from time to time. I love to talk to any and all about a little bit of everything. Feel free to say hello!

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